Tag Archives: Escrow Service

1st Texas Equity Crowdfunding Community Outreach Event to Unveil Texas Crowdfunding Portals at Texas St. University

11 Feb

Learn How to Raise Money for Startups and Businesses with Texas Equity Crowdfunding Sites and a Crowd of 20 Million Accredited & Unaccredited Investors

Texas Equity Crowdfunding Event Agenda

Mission: To educate entrepreneurs, startups and any existing Texas-based business on how they can utilize a Texas Crowdfunding Portal (TCP) to market a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) to over 20 million non-accredited and accredited Texas investors to raise startup venture capital.

Tonight’s guest speakers will cover the following information:

  1. Information on the new Intrastate Texas Crowd Exemption Rules
  2. What information needs to be filed with the Texas State Securities Board
  3. What type of disclosures are required by every Texas crowdfunding platform
  4. What type of marketing can be used to raise awareness for equity investment opportunities
  5. What qualifications need to be met before investing on Texas crowdfunding platforms
  6. What precautions should be taken prior to making any financial investments

Crowdfunding Platforms:

Crowdfunding Escrow Service:

Question & Answer Session:

  • Panel Discussion Q&A

Research Links:

Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) Crowdfunding Rules:

Texas Crowdfunding Network:

Texas Crowdfunding Blog:

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Robert Hoskins

(512) 627-6622

BancBox Launches First Automatic Escrow Service Aimed At Crowdfunding Platforms

28 Apr

By Mike Butcher

Last June, BancBox, a payment services platform similar to Stripe, debuted its platform allowing developers to build a lot of different payment services. As cofounder Sanj Goyle claimed at the time, “PayPal could be built on top of our platform.” Now it has launched BancBox Crowd, what is — as far as we can tell — the first independent escrow service aimed at crowdfunding portals that operate on equity, debt or revenue share models.

BancBox Launches ‘First’ Automatic Escrow Service Aimed At Crowd Funding Platforms

BancBox Launches ‘First’ Automatic Escrow Service Aimed At Crowdfunding Platforms

The company is also announcing partnerships with crowd investing services 99Funding, SoMoLend and Localstake.

BancBox Crowd claims to be the only solution on the market that provides online investment portals with an automated escrow solution that can replace the manual paper escrow process. They also say it is compliant with FINCEN, FINRA and SEC requirements.

In essence it means being able to create independent escrow accounts for each crowd-backed project, collect funds from those many investors, and either safely return funds if the project doesn’t work out, or disburse those funds when the project, whatever it is, reaches its funding goal.

Goyle says, “We want to have the payment part of the experience of an investor to be a sticky experience so we make it as easy as possible to pay and go through the process.” He says the business model is based on a set transaction fee to the platform partner.

You could say they know about payments. BancBox manages $100 million in consumer deposits daily in nearly 200,000 individual accounts. Its transaction volume has increased 100 percent to nearly $2 billion annually.

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